At David Gregory School, we continually contribute to the body of research in autism and developmental disabilities. Our research focuses on verbal behavior, classroom applications of behavior analysis, parent training, and teacher training. These research efforts are led by Dr. Gladys Williams, an internationally renowned ABA Specialist who earned her doctoral degree in Special Education and doctoral degree in Behavior Analysis, both from Columbia University in New York City.
Research articles from our program have been published in the journals of Applied Behavior Analysis, American Journal on Mental Retardation, Teaching Exceptional Children, Behavioral Residential Treatment, and Psicothema (the behavioral journal in Spain). Papers and posters have been presented by Dr. Williams around the world at symposia and the yearly conferences organized by the Association of Behavior Analysis, since 1985.
We utilize research strategies and techniques to facilitate language emergence in non-verbal children.
The following research from David Gregory School has been used in educating and training teachers and psychologists around the world to facilitate learning and implement individualized ABA programs for children with developmental delays and autism.
Our Board Certified Behavior Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) Melina Morel presenting research at the 49th Annual Convention for The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) in Denver, Colorado.
Morel, M. (May, 2023). Evaluating Matched Sensory Stimuli for Saliva Play. A poster. 49th Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Denver, CO.

Our BCBA'S collaborate daily on student programing.
Our Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Sara Polgar, working with a student.

Williams, G., Laitinen, R. E. (2017). A Brief Report of the Verbal Behavior Curriculum (VBC) to Teach Children with Autism and Other Language Disorders. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 22, (1) 258-265.
Pérez-González, L. A., Alonso -Álvarez, B., & Williams, G (2014). Teaching a simple discrimination using a blocked-trial procedure to overcome location overselectivity. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 15, 137-147.
Pérez-González, L. a., Hervzlikowicz, K., Williams. G. (2008). Stimulus relations analysis and the emergence of novel intraverbals. The Psychological Record, 58, (1) 7.
Williams, G., Carnerero, J. J., & Pérez-González, L. A. (2006). Generalization of tacting actions in children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 39, 233-237.
Williams, G, Pérez-González, L. A., & Muller-Queiroz, A. B. (2005). Using a combined blocking procedure to teach color discrimination to a child with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, 555-558.
Williams, G., Pérez-González, L. A., & Vogt, K. (2003). The role of specific consequences in the maintenance of three types of questions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36, 285-296.
Laitinen, R. E. & Williams, G. (November, 2017). The Acquisition of Behavioral Cusps as the Basics to Develop Language. A workshop. Ninth International Conference, Paris, France.
Laitinen, R. E., Garbarini, S. E., Wagner, L. L., & Dreyfus, A. (November 2017) Build a Better Mousetrap: An Innovative Public School Applied Behavior Analysis Hybrid Model. A panel discussion. Ninth International Conference, Paris, France.
Garbarini, S. E. (May,2017). How to Establish Stimulus Control Over an Emerging Echoic Repertoire. A paper presented as part of a symposium. 43th Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Denver, CO.
Laitinen, R. E., & Williams, G. (May,2017). The Acquisition of Behavioral Cusps as the Basics of Language Acquisition. A workshop. 43rd Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Denver, CO.
Williams, G. (May,2017). The Roll of Echolalia in Language Development. A paper presented as part of a symposium titled Engineering Verbal Behavior Cusps. 43th Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Denver, CO.
Partington, J.W., Laitinen, R. E., & Williams, G. (May,2017). Web Technologies for ABA: The Perils and Benefits. A Panel Presentation. 43th Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Denver, Co.
Laitinen, R. E., & Williams, G. (May,2017). The Acquisition of Behavioral Cusps as the Basics of Language Acquisition. A workshop. 43rd Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Denver, CO.
Williams, G. (May,2017). The Roll of Echolalia in Language Development. A paper presented as part of a symposium titled Engineering Verbal Behavior Cusps. 43th Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Denver, CO.
Laitinen, R. E. & Williams, G. (February,2017). Engineering Behavioral Cusps for Verbal Behavior Development. 35th Annual Western Regional Conference on Behavior Analysis, CALABA, Anaheim, CA.
Williams, G., Laitinen, R. E., (October,2016). The Acquisition of Behavioral Cusps as the Basics to Develop Language. A Workshop. A workshop presented at the 27th New York State Association for Behavior Analysis (NYSABA), Albany, NY.
Williams, g., Laitinen, R. E., Garbarini, S. E., (October,2016). Presented a series of procedures to teach basic skill on the Shaping of Visual Regard, Echoic Repertoire, and to Inquire About Unknown Auditory Stimuli. “Ignite presentations” at the 27th New York State Association for Behavior Analysis (NYSABA), Albany, NY.
Laitinen, R. E. & Williams, G. (May,2016). Generative Instruction for Individuals with Learning Challenges. A workshop. 42nd Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Chicago, IL
Williams, G., & Garbarini, S. E. (May,2016). A Functional Analysis of Primary Verbal Operants on the Continuum of Language Development. A paper presented as part of a symposium titled Engineering Behavioral Cusps for Verbal Behavior Development. 42nd Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Chicago, IL.
Laitinen, R. E., & Williams, G. (May,2016). Shaping Visual Regard as a Behavioral Cusp. A paper presented as part of a symposium titled Engineering Behavioral Cusps for Verbal Behavior Development. 42nd Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), Chicago, IL.