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Program Information 

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Chart analysis

   Program Information and Data

The David Gregory School program is research based and designed to provide the most effective education available. We are an Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities (APSSD). We utilize principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), widely recognized as the best method of instruction for producing positive and lasting results in children with developmental disabilities and autism. As this an evolving science, we continually seek out and implement the latest proven findings while also contributing to the body of research.


Each child is carefully assessed and then an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed to address the student’s specific needs and goals.  Progress is graphed electronically and analyzed daily to ensure personal goals are being met.


Instruction is provided in a highly structured environment, characterized by positive behavior support procedures.  Innovative interventions, which have been proven effective through systematic research, are incorporated throughout the program.  While the school day is structured, periods of academic work are complemented with physical, social, and creative group experiences.


Student curriculum is based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). We also utilize the Verbal Behavior Model and the program includes the following services:

Comprehensive Speech Program

To ensure that each child acquires the functional use of language to their fullest potential we utilize:

  1. Verbal Behavior Analysis    

  2. Infused speech/language services

  3. Remediation for articulation difficulties

  4. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) support

Social Skills Training

Recognizing that early diagnosis and intervention are critical to the child's future success, we provide an intensive program for young children, which includes:

  • Peer modeling in which peers of varying abilities work together cooperatively

  • Instructional lunches with staff and peers

  • Group instruction including academics, fitness, yoga and leisure activities.

Recognizing that early diagnosis and intervention are critical to the child's future success, we provide an intensive program for young children, which includes:

Support Services

  • A distinguished team of related service therapists offering infused / individual speech, occupational therapy and physical therapy

  • ​

      - Each student is assessed and their goals are             incorporated into their programs daily

      - Group services are provided to help shape                  language and physical growth

  • A team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) who analyze student progress and provide instructional supports

  • Working with families to transfer skills from school to home

  • Working with in-home related services to ensure continuity of learning

  • Supporting families by providing parent education

  • Collaborating with parents and districts to transition students back to a lesser restrictive environment when that is the goal

The heart of the program ensures our responsibility to the individual success of
each student.

This is how we achieve these goals

  • Knowing that every child can learn

  • Providing 1 to 1 individualized program

  • Providing a 2 to 1 model and transition services when needed

  • Hiring compassionate professionals

  • Providing continuing education and ongoing training to staff

  • Employing the latest proven practices available and contributing to ongoing research in the field

  • Monitoring student progress daily to ensure students are meeting their personal goals

  • Punctuating periods of academic work with physical, social, and creative experiences

  • Teaching life skills to students of all ages, so they can become as independent as possible

  • Providing comprehensive speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and social skills training infused into the program

This is how we achieve these goals

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